Youth for Policy Leads Nationwide Campaign for World Environment Day 2024

In celebration of World Environment Day 2024, Youth for Policy (YfP) spearheaded a nationwide five-day campaign titled “Greener Earth for a Better Tomorrow.” The campaign aimed to promote urgent environmental action and ensure a sustainable future for coming generations. Over the five days, YfP engaged school children in various activities, including awareness sessions, school cleanups, and tree planting. These activities inspired the students to become eco-influencers within their families and communities. 

Bangladesh has long faced the impacts of climate change, including frequent disasters caused by greenhouse effects, rising sea levels, and global warming. These issues have severely affected lives and the economy. The global commitment to combating climate change has been reiterated in numerous UN charters, summits, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The upcoming UN Summit of the Future will also focus on climate change as a core issue. Bangladesh has committed to reducing global warming, mobilizing global support against carbon emissions, and addressing sea-level rise. 

In alignment with global and national commitments, YfP volunteers conducted campaigns in 12 districts across the nation. Over the five-day campaign, YfP volunteers reached more than 600 school children and 60 educators. School children participated in school cleanups, learning the importance of collective action in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Additionally, over 400 trees were distributed for planting at schools and homes, instilling a sense of responsibility in the students to continue these efforts. 

The campaign concluded with a webinar organized in collaboration with the Institute of Informatics and Development (IID) and the Parliamentary Caucus on Justice. Policymakers, including Aroma Dutta MP, attended as the chief guest, delivering speeches and appreciating the efforts of the youth. Syeed Ahamed, founder and CEO of IID, also spoke at the event. Youth leaders from various countries participated in a panel discussion on creating a greener earth for a better tomorrow. 

Youth for Policy Leads Nationwide Campaign for World Environment Day 2024

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